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Organizations for Minorities of India | March 7, 2025

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Farmers' protests amplify and RSS'S diplomatic weapon, Gandhi, challenged again, this time at the MLK center, Atlanta.

Farmers’ protests amplify and RSS’S diplomatic weapon, Gandhi, challenged again, this time at the MLK center, Atlanta.

| On 16, Dec 2020

As the farmer protests rage on in India, more protests are being staged in many countries outside the Indian consulate in solidarity with the farmers of India. On the heels of the protests in Washington which led to the attacks against the mythological peace icon of Gandhi statue, more protests in Atlanta have also seen similar scenes of Gandhi’s myth and RSS’s diplomatic weapon being challenged.

           (Women joining in large numbers in support of protesting farmers.)

On 15th December, protests were held in solidarity with the farmers of Punjab in Sandy Springs, near Atlanta in Georgia outside the Indian consulate. In the crowds, Muslims, Christians and Dalits were seen holding placards with charged phrases supporting the farmers of India. Some of the placards directly attacked the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a racist and a murderer of democracy in India. The other placards directly attacked Gandhi’s legacy by branding him a racist and a rapist who conducted celibacy experiments with underage girls.

(RSS-BJP-Modi’s global diplomatic weapon, Gandhism, came under crossfire during farmer’s protest in MLK center, Altanta, Georgia, USA. The ‘Propagandhi’ of the RSS-BJP-Modi alliance came under attack by activists who shared the real Gandhi with the audiences)

In 2017, an individual named C. Hunter started an online petition addressed to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) over the statue of Mohandas Gandhi installed at the Martin Luther King Center in Atlanta, Georgia. The petition questioned the rationale of hosting the statue of “racist Gandhi” at the MLK Center when evidence proves that he was an unrepentant racist during his stay in South Africa. The petition reads in part:

“I am a concerned citizen who wants to remove the Gandhi statue at the King Center in Atlanta. Although MLK stated that he was greatly influenced by Gandhi’s words, Gandhi’s racist beliefs about those of African descent goes against what Martin Luther King Jr. stood for…Now that there have been several statues removed from public areas, we have a responsibility to remove the statue at the MLK Center in Atlanta, GA. We cannot ignore racism. We should not give it a platform by misleading people into thinking that Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. stood for the same thing.

The statues of Gandhi have for nearly a decade been attacked for being a racist, a sexual predator and the pinnacle of these attacks reached a climax during the Black Lives Movement global protests this year. On the heels of the removal of the Gandhi statue at the University of Ghana in 2018, the statues of Gandhi were vandalized in the United States of America, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Tens of petitions in various universities of the world were set up to remove the statues of Gandhi from their campuses due to his racism.

                      (Families of Punjab farmers join the protest in Altanta, USA)

In Atlanta, at the MLK Center, images can be seen with placards placed in front of the statue, branding Gandhi a racist and rapist. A noose was tied around his neck symbolizing that the time to celebrate the statue is soon coming to an end. The symbolic noose is a reminder to the world of past lynchings in the Apartheid era and today’s sufferings of India’s minorities.

Arvin Valmuchi, a director of Organization for Minorities of India shed light on the prevalence of the attacks against the Gandhi statues:

“The legacy of Gandhi as a global pioneer of humanity is being dismantled little by little due to such protests as we have seen in Atlanta, Georgia. The fascist Indian government today uses the mythological Gandhi as a foreign policy propogandhi diplomatic weapon to whitewash its sordid history of violence. The world has woken up to Gandhi’s lies as a humanitarian. Protesters are going to continue to challenge the diplomatic weapon of the RSS BJP targeted at the already indoctrinated western mind.

(Nanak Bhatti along with other activists from minorities of India supporting the India farmers in Atlanta.)

The fascist BJP-led government of India has made Gandhi a focal point for international relations with other countries. As the farmer protests amplify, there will be more scenes against the statue of Gandhi as the historical figure has been projected to the world as the soul of India. The MLK Center which hosts the statue of Gandhi will always be a target when protests against inequality against the human race arise, because Gandhi is now known to be a symbol of hatred and inequality.

(Gandhi has a  long history of sexual abuse of women)

(Dalits, Christians, Muslims, Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs and other minorities of India joining the caravan of freedom of all Indians.)